Ann Karine Bourdeau Leduc
Terrazzo Verde I, 2023
Crayons de couleur sur papier Rising Stonehenge / Colored pencils on paper Rising Stonehenge
15 1/4 x 12 1/2 in
38.7 x 31.8 cm
38.7 x 31.8 cm
Encadré / Framed
Location: catégorie A / Rental: category A
$ 495.00
Terrazzo Verde I est un dessin de terrazzo où est superposé un petit dessin carré (format polaroid) qui sert de fenêtre qui réfère à son diptyque, Giardino Verde I. Ces...
Terrazzo Verde I est un dessin de terrazzo où est superposé un petit dessin carré (format polaroid) qui sert de fenêtre qui réfère à son diptyque, Giardino Verde I. Ces deux œuvres ont été conçues pour mettre en relation les images et textures aux propriétés communes de sorte à créer des itérations de celle-ci.
Terrazzo Verde I is a terrazzo drawing overlaid with a small square drawing (Polaroid format) that serves as a window referring to his diptych, Giardino Verde I. These two works were conceived as a way of linking images and textures with common properties, and creating iterations of them.
Terrazzo Verde I is a terrazzo drawing overlaid with a small square drawing (Polaroid format) that serves as a window referring to his diptych, Giardino Verde I. These two works were conceived as a way of linking images and textures with common properties, and creating iterations of them.